The Harris Guide specializes in helping Addiction Treatment Centers, Laboratories, Detoxification Facilities and Behavioral Health Organizations obtain the accreditation and State Licensure they need to deliver the highest quality of care and patient safety. Along the way, client organizations benefit from more than 20 years experience in day-to-day facility operations, program evaluations and clinical practice development.
With The Harris Guide, your facility will attain accreditations and licensing at a level that differentiates you from competitors. You’ll also realize improvements in service delivery at multiple levels including staffing, billing and reimbursements, improved clinical outcomes, and strategic long-term planning.
Our only goal is to help you help more people, more effectively.
The Harris Guide offers expert guidance throughout every step of Joint Commission, CARF, and AHCA accreditation as well as DCF/ State Licensure processes. We have done this before with 100% success. We also provide follow-up care for our client organizations to measure results and maintain accreditation standards.
The Harris Guide is unique in its ability to improve an organization’s clinical outcomes. With extensive experience on the clinical side of treatment, we can help with staffing, program implementation, follow-up care, and outcome analytics.
As the third leg on a solid foundation, the implementation and maintenance of efficient, organizational operations plays a critical role in accreditation and ongoing success. The Harris Guide provides insight and expertise into every aspect of day-to-day organizational operations.